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IP 博客 / Join our summer webinars!

Join our summer webinars!

The new webinar series is here! Find out more about trending topics such as the impact of blockchain technology in IP, how to keep your recordal on track or how to apply lifetime learning in the management of IP. Please see below a list of our current thought leadership online events:


"How to keep your recordal project on track," June 13, 2018

rjudeleRaluca Judele
Head of International Recordals

Undertaking a recordal project is a complex and time consuming project. The exact nature of the documents to be supplied varies with the relevant territories. Raluca Judele, Head of International Recordals, Dennemeyer & Associates SRL, Romania, shares best practices in keeping a sophisticated recordal project on track and which milestones should definitely be on the checklist.

"Lebenslanges Lernen im Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz," July 4, 2018

avatar-vdreyerViviana Dreyer
Consultant Training and Education

Viviana Dreyer u.a. (in Kooperation mit Beuth Hochschule Berlin) - Consultant Training and Education, Dennemeyer Group

Globale Digitalisierung und technischer Fortschritt bringen neues geistiges Eigentum hervor und stellen den Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz vor immer neue Herausforderungen. Lebenslanges Lernen ist auch für Fach- und Führungskräfte in diesem Bereich unerlässlich. In einem gemeinsamen Webinar zwischen der Beuth Hochschule für Technik Berlin und der Dennemeyer Group beleuchten wir diese Herausforderungen und stellen Ihnen verschiedene Optionen für eine passgenaue Weiterbildung im Bereich des Gewerblichen Rechtsschutzes vor.

"The impact of blockchain on Intellectual Property," July 18, 2018

avatar_rbrunnerDr. Richard Brunner
Chief Legal Officer, Dennemeyer Group

Blockchains are the most expensive and most inefficient databases one can imagine. This is exactly what makes them interesting for certain processes in IP management. In this webinar, Dr. Richard Brunner, Chief Legal Officer of the Dennemeyer Group, will discuss the potential -and downsides- of the blockchain technology and their impact on Intellectual Property.

We look forward to your participation!

For more information, please contact us at

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Double trouble: IP disputes over pals, twins and copies

Japanese video game companies clash over patents, Google comes under fire for trademark infringement and a German court sets AI copyright precedent.