Dennemeyer donates more than 55,000 euros to charity projects
Dennemeyer's 2017 donation campaign had a focus on transparency and the sustainable use of natural resources. Therefore, the recipient of the donation generated through Dennemeyer's IP Christmas Quiz - 20172€ in total - was the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), which has repeatedly been ranked among the most transparent NGOs. Besides that, the Romanian entities of the Dennemeyer Group donated more than 35000 Euros to local charity projects. Thanks to the strong support of the quiz players, the overall donation amount sums up to more than 55000 Euros this year.
On January 23, 2018, the donation amount generated through Dennemeyer's IP Christmas Quiz was given to Silke Mayer from the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). The check was handed over in Dennemeyer's Munich office by Dennemeyer's Global Head of Compliance, Nathalie Mühlberger, and the Director of Dennemeyer Consulting, Alexander Mühlberger. Silke Mayer represented the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and presented some of the current projects the donation sum - 20172€ in total - will be used for to Dennemeyer's employees in Munich.

The WWF will use the donation to support various projects with the purpose of protecting nature’s values from the pressing worldwide threats. These include the protection of the most endangered animals and the use of the natural resources to help local communities build up their ability to preserve nature.
The monitorization of the giant panda movement in China is expected to help create green corridors that will link the isolated animals and increase the number of patrol against habitat damages. In Africa, mountain gorillas are included in an ecotourism project which helps reduce the conflict between them and humans, both in the villages and in the national parks.

Panda bears are intensively protected by the WWF as they have to live in protected areas due to the dangers in their habitat. Likewise, mountain gorillas have to be secured from the illegal pet trade. (Source: www.wwf.de)
For each correct answer given in Dennemeyer's IP Christmas Quiz, the IP Group committed itself to donating 2€ to the World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF). More than 10,000 correct answers were given in more than 1400 games. But, of course, the IP Christmas Quiz could not have ended without a championship. With an incredible score of 11270 and ten questions answered in less than five minutes, Önder Erol Ünsal has won the final of this year’s IP Christmas Quiz championship. He has been working for the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office as a trademark expert for 20 years and regularly publishes a blog focused on ECJ, EUIPO, USPTO and national Turkish IP decisions.

Overall, the Dennemeyer Group donated over €55000 to charity projects in 2017. A result to beaten at the end of this year - in the next IP Christmas Quiz.
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In a new episode of the Advancements series, Dr. Richard Brunner, Chief Legal Officer at the Dennemeyer Group, explains why protecting IP is of the utmost importance for innovators and how blockchain technology works to their benefit.