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Tobias Diebold
Chief Executive Officer
Alexander Mühlberger
Chief Financial Officer
Laurent Brochmann
Chief Digital Officer
Charlotte Steinhardt
Chief People Officer
Stéphane Ambrosini
Managing Director of Dennemeyer & Associates
Dr. Lamia Baker
Head of Commercial EMEA; Managing Director Dennemeyer United Kingdom
Dr. Philipp Garbade
Managing Director IP Solutions
Raluca Judele
Alexander Klinke
Global Director Finance
Jens Loosen
General Manager APAC
Dr. Michael Natterer
Managing Director Dennemeyer Octimine; Managing Director Innovation & Corporate Development
Kim Swanson
Head of Commercial Americas
Stephan Zimmer
Managing Director Technology; Managing Director Software Solutions
Neil Berrecloth
Global Commercial Director
Vladimir Bud
Global Head of Trademark Renewals
Yves Wenz
Global Head of Patent Renewals
Dr. Richard Brunner
Global Head of Legal
Arthur Gobel
Head of Global Business Restructuring, International Tax & Transfer Pricing
Hacer Hacisalihoglu
Global Head of IP Support Services
Christoph Klamp
Global Head of Country Law
Dirk Lallemand
Global Head of Accounting
Santiago Rivas
Global Head of Client Intelligence Unit & Data Analytics
Cosmin Stana
Romanian Patent, TM and Design Att., European TM and Design Att. located in our Brasov office
Răzvan Stana
Johannes Täuber
Global Head of Internal Software & Applications
Matthias Thüx
Global Head of Controlling
Shinya Kinuta
Managing Director Dennemeyer Japan
Dominic Nowak
Managing Director Munich; Member of the Supervisory Board
Ace C. Acosta
Managing Director & Head of Patent Annuities ┃ Dennemeyer Philippines
Frédéric Blanc
MD D&A France, French and European TM and Design Attorney located in our Paris office
Pascal Decker
Global Head of Service Delivery ┃ Dennemeyer Group
Anna Falter
German TM and Design Attorney located in our Munich office
Anca Gheorghiu
MD Dennemeyer Romania, Romanian Patent , TM and Design Att., European TM and Design Att. located in our Brasov office
Tomislav Hadzija
MD D&A Croatia, Croatian and European Patent Attorney, European TM and Design Attorney located in our Zagreb office
Dirk Kromm
MD D&A Germany, German Patent Attorney, European TM and Design Attorney located in our Munich office
Jens Martin
Managing Director Dennemeyer Group Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd.
Geordie Oldfield
MD D&A Australia, Australian Patent and TM Attorney located in our Melbourne office
Guillaume Ouvrieu
Managing Director Dennemeyer France
Cao Shuai
Managing Director Dennemeyer China
Monika Stępień
MD D&A Poland, Polish Patent and TM Att., European TM and Design Att. located in our Warsaw office
Claudio Szabas
MD D&A Brazil, Brazilian Patent and TM Attorney located in our Rio de Janeiro office
Parag Thakre
Managing Director India
Jan Wrede
MD D&A UAE, German and Italian Lawyer, Italian TM Lawyer, European TM and Design Att. located in our Dubai office
Katherina Wegener-Kremer
Lawyer and Certified IP Lawyer located in our Munich office
Kathleen Lyons
Patent and Trademark Attorney located in our Chicago office
Paloma Urresti
Trademark attorney located in our Munich office
Nina Volf
Patent Attorney Trainee located in our Rome office
Jonathan Rixen
Trademark and Design Attorney located in our Chicago office
Firas Balhas
Trademark Lawyer located in our Brașov office
Shawn Duckworth
Patent Attorney located in our Chicago office
Trixia Liesenfeld
Trademark and Design Attorney located in Germany
Shaukat Ali
TM Lawyer located in our Dubai office
Sofia Berde
Romanian Patent Attorney located in our Brasov office
Dr. Christopher Brückner
German and European Patent Attorney, European TM and Design Attorney located in our Munich office
Dr. Mathieu Buchkremer
Belgian Patent Attorney located in our Howald office
Dr. Filippo Calda
Italian IP Litigation Attorney located in our Rome office
Thorsten Nagl
German lawyer located in our Munich office
Dr. Anthony Carlick
UK Chartered Patent Attorney and European Patent Attorney located in our Munich office
Edilane Carvalho de Abreu
Patent Engineer located in our Rio de Janeiro office
Dragoș Corochii
Moldovan TM Attorney located in our Brasov office
Ioana Cozlovschi
Romanian and European TM Attorney located in our Brasov office
Luisa Currado
Italian and European Patent Attorney, Italian and European TM and Design attorney located in our Rome office
Domenico De Simone
Founding Partner De Simone Law firm, Italian and European Patent, TM and Design Attorney located in our Rome office
Sandi Forman
Australian TM Attorney located in our Melbourne office
Dr. Massimo Galluppi
Italian and European Patent Attorney located in our Munich office
Dalibor Grabovac
Lucia Granieri
Italian and European TM and Design Attorney located in our Rome office
Daniel Gurfinkel
American IP Attorney (U.S. Attorney at Law and USPTO Registered Patent Attorney) located in our Chicago office
Dorota Kaliszewska
Polish Patent and TM Attorney located in our Warsaw office
Nina Kolar
Croatian TM Attorney and European TM and Design Attorney located in our Zagreb office
Joanna Kowalewska
Polish Patent and TM Attorney, European Patent, TM and Design Attorney located in our Warsaw office
Evandro Leite
Patent Attorney located in our Rio de Janeiro office
Olivier Lombardo
Head of TM Luxembourg, French and Benelux TM and Design Att., European TM and Design Att. located in our Howald office
Massimo Cimoli
Head of Trademarks Rome, Italian TM Attorney, European TM and Design Attorney located in our Rome office
Robyn-Leigh Merry
South-African Patent Attorney and Notary Public located in our Johannesburg office
Vanja Nedimovic
Benelux TM and Design Attorney, European TM and Design Attorney located in our Howald office
Giovanni Orsoni
Lionel Parisot
Croatian TM Attorney and European and Design Attorney located in our Zagreb office
Rosi Pia Raiti
Italian and European Trademark and Design Trainee located in our Rome office
Sanda Sarău
Kazuya Sekiguchi
Japanese and European Patent Attorney located in our Munich office
Stéphane Speich
French, Luxemburgish and Belgian Patent Att., European Patent, TM and Design Att. located in our Howald office
Laura Suciu
Romanian TM Attorney, European TM and Design Attorney located in our Brasov office
Slavica Tomsic Skoda
Croatian Patent Attorney located in our Zagreb office
Adrian Truța
European Trademark Attorney, Trademark Attorney (RO)
Maria Paola Pace Napoleone
Patent Attorney located in our Rome office
Pauline Vallortigara
TM and Design Legal Counsel located in our Howald office
Paula Vizitiu
Romanian TM and Design Att., European TM and Design Att. located in our Brasov office
John Walker
Australian Patent and Trademark Attorney located in our Melbourne office
Dr. Reinhold Nowak
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Nathalie Mühlberger
Member of the Supervisory Board
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