Monika Stępień
Managing Director Dennemeyer & Associates Sp. z.o.o. Poland
Patent and Trademark Attorney, Poland
European Trademark and Design Attorney

Qualifications & authorizations
- Degree in Law and Administration (mgr Prawa i Administracji);
- Patent and Trademark Attorney, Poland (Rzecznik patentowy, PL);
- Professional representative before EUIPO (Zawodowy pełnomocnik przed EUIPO);
- Postgraduate diploma in Industrial Property Law (Studia Podyplomowe w zakresie Prawa Własności Przemysłowej)
Awards & memberships
- Member of the Polish Chamber of Patent Attorneys;
- Council Member at ECTA
- Member of MARQUES
Selected publications
- In February 2016, in cooperation with MARQUES, Monika co-organized and led a workshop on Coexistence Agreements in Warsaw directed to professionals from IP field.
- In April 2017 Monika was a speaker at 12th AIPPI Baltic Conference in Riga, Latvia.