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Executive Board


Global Management

Vladimir Bud

Global Head of Trademark Renewals

Luxembourg (Howald) trademarks,litigation,prosecution and enforcement,IP portfolio management,sales,key account management Attorney at Law

Yves Wenz

Global Head of Patent Renewals

Luxembourg (Howald) management,customer experience

Local Management

Shinya Kinuta

Managing Director Dennemeyer Japan

Japan (Tokyo)

Katherina Wegener-Kremer

Lawyer and Certified IP Lawyer located in our Munich office

Germany (Munich) trademarks,domains,designs,patents,unfair competition law,contracts,litigation,anti-counterfeiting,office proceedings,prosecution and enforcement,IP portfolio management,negotiations,strategy Attorney at Law

Kathleen Lyons

Patent and Trademark Attorney located in our Chicago office

United States (Chicago) chemistry,life sciences,trademarks,designs,patents

Paloma Urresti

Trademark attorney located in our Munich office

Germany (Munich) trademarks,negotiations,Contentious matters (trademark),Copyright and contractual matters,Physics (including Energy)

Nina Volf

Patent Attorney Trainee located in our Rome office

Italy (Rome) chemistry,life sciences,pharmaceuticals,biotechnology,nanotechnology,cosmetics,SPCs

Jonathan Rixen

Trademark and Design Attorney located in our Chicago office

United States (Chicago) trademarks,patents,Life sciences (trademark),Digital,Mechanical,Mechanical-electrical,Software design,Designs Patent Attorney

Firas Balhas

Trademark Lawyer located in our Brașov office

Romania (Brasov) life sciences,pharmaceuticals,anti-counterfeiting Trademark Attorney

Shawn Duckworth

Patent Attorney located in our Chicago office

United States (Chicago) engineering,trademarks,patents,copyrights,mechanics,contracts Patent Attorney

Trixia Liesenfeld

Trademark and Design Attorney located in Germany

Germany (Frankfurt am Main),Germany (Munich) life sciences,pharmaceuticals,trademarks,domains,designs,copyrights,unfair competition law,litigation,prosecution and enforcement Trademark Attorney,Design Attorney

Luisa Currado

Italian and European Patent Attorney, Italian and European TM and Design attorney located in our Rome office

Italy (Rome) chemistry,life sciences,pharmaceuticals,biotechnology,nanotechnology,SPCs

Rosi Pia Raiti

Italian and European Trademark and Design Trainee located in our Rome office

Italy (Rome) pharmaceuticals,designs,electronics,finance,health,food & beverage,fashion and luxury




