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デンネマイヤー・グループは、ワールド・トレードマーク・レビュー(World Trademark Review)誌が毎年発行する世界レベルの法律実務を評価するガイドブックにおいて、数々の賞を受賞いたしました。
The year may be drawing to a close, but the flow of Intellectual Property (IP) news shows no sign of slowing down.
This month's IP news is a cornucopia of updates from the home of roast turkey and pumpkin pie.
Explore the European Union's expansion of IP exclusivity for traditional industries and two recent out-of-court settlements.
Take a trip through the latest trademark, patent and copyright news stories from around the world.
The Dennemeyer Group appointed Charlotte Steinhardt as Chief People Officer.
Some developments in the world of Intellectual Property kick up a stink, others entice the senses. Just who will come out smelling of roses?
How do you throw down the trademark gauntlet? When is a shock rebrand no surprise? And what aerial patents are changing city life? We have the answers.
The UPC is set to launch in Europe while legislators in the United States tackle the risks and opportunities of generative AI.