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Embark on a tour of the inventions and IP protections that turn everyday settings into high-tech destinations.
Grab your warmest jacket and explore the Intellectual Property (IP) behind some of winter travel's shining inventions.
Discover a sleigh-load of IP protections behind some of the Christmas season's favorite decorations.
IP infringement disputes abound in the film industry but some are more dramatic than others. Explore the unusual IP cases spawned from prominent movies.
What IP laws allow museums to display and use copyrighted, patented or trademarked works? Dive into the rights behind your favorite exhibits.
Explore the world of pet IP to discover the patents behind some of your furry friends' favorite innovations.
Explore inventions inspired by sci-fi books, movies and TV shows to see how IP law bridges the gap between fact and fiction.
The IP landscape is full of amazing feats. Learn what it takes for patents and trademarks to go down in the history books.