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知的財産関連ブログ / IP & Data Protection: What do you need to know about the GDPR?

IP & Data Protection: What do you need to know about the GDPR?

Data privacy is a crosscutting matter applicable to all sectors, including IP. IP practitioners deal constantly with the collection and handling of personal data – and many of them are not sure how to handle them properly.

On April 6, 2017, Dennemeyer hosted a workshop at their offices in Munich regarding data protection best practices.

The workshop aimed to provide an overview of the relevant aspects of Data Protection for Intellectual Property practitioners. Anna Forestan, Dennemeyer's designated speaker for this event, made some very interesting points, offering tips and tricks on how to keep your data safe and secured and talked about how European practitioners will be soon subject to the new provisions of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR) entering into force next year.


  • What kind of personal data do IP practitioners deal with?
  • How to handle personal data properly?
  • What are the changes introduced by the GDPR?
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