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知的財産関連ブログ / Dennemeyer runs a series of workshops in 2017

Dennemeyer runs a series of workshops in 2017

Dennemeyer Seminars opens the workshop season! Our 2017 series of workshops focusses on various strategic and legal aspects of Trademarks and Patents. Most of them are held in our new Munich office, with one exception: the lecture held by Dr. Malte Köllner at PIZ in Darmstadt.The first edition of our Munich workshops will deal with trademark infringement by domain names. Conflicts between trademark owners and domain name holders are growing as a result of misunderstandings among business owners. A lot of business owners are not conscious of the significance, consequences and diverse protections that are attached to names, registrations and rights.

As with many legal matters in business, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

We will dive into the details!

Dennemeyer invites you to our Workshop:
“Marke vs. Domain – Vorgehensweise im Verletzungsfall”, 26 Jan 2017 in Munich.



Clemence Stahl
Juriste (FR), Trademark Lawyer


Register here for our upcoming workshops:

7 Feb 2017, „IP Update”, (PIZ Darmstadt) with Dr. Malte Köllner
15 Mar 2017, „Sichere Marken – Nutzungszwang und Benutzungsnachweis“, (Munich) with Sabrina Machei
29 Mar 2017, „Outsourcing to China – Trademark Traps“, (Munich) with Mr. Lizhou Wei


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