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知的財産関連ブログ / 2017 and beyond - What you can expect from Dennemeyer & Associates this year

2017 and beyond - What you can expect from Dennemeyer & Associates this year

The IP industry is growing rapidly. Following their clients leading IP law firms have to keep on globalizing and constantly increase the range of their service offerings. In order to keep the pace of the industry Dennemeyer & Associates plans a variety of measures for 2017.

WIPO’s annual World Intellectual Property Indicators (WIPI) report published recently once again underlines the unchecked growth of the global IP industry:
According to the WIPI report almost 3 million patent applications were filed worldwide in 2015, which means another 7.8% increase compared to 2014 and the sixth straight year of rising demand for patent protection (find the full report and more information here). Most of these patent applications were filed in China (1,010,406) in 2015, followed by the United States (526,296) and Japan (454,285). The number of trademark applications rose by 15.3% to about 6 million. Industrial design applications grew by 2.3% to 872,800.

What does this mean for Dennemeyer & Associates? In 2017 we will continue our expansion with new wholly-owned subsidiaries around the globe to even better serve our clients in many jurisdictions. The inauguration of our office in Moscow is just the starting point. Committed to growth and as a reaction to increasing international demand, we will also continue to add attorneys and support staff to several of our local offices.
Committed to innovation and inspired by our clients' service requests, new service offerings will be put to market. If you want to be informed timely, our new IP blog you are currently reading is exactly the right source of information.

But growth to us is not only a matter of quantity: Committed to quality, we will renew the certification of our Quality Management System according to ISO 9001 and certify against the latest version of this norm. Further offices will be added to the matrix certification as well.

Leveraging the cooperation with our sister companies from Dennemeyer IP Solutions, their core product DIAMS iQ will experience a firework of professionally-designed features developed to meet the needs of IP attorneys and paralegals.

Stay tuned!

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