An Italian perspective of appropriation art: genuine expression or art(full) violation
Appropriation art challenges traditional notions of authenticity, originality and authorship in that it willfully reproduces (as it is or with some modifications) a work created by others.
Design law steals the show
Two major developments in 2024 are set to give a further boost to design rights and likely make them even more attractive for designers and other creative businesses.
Sneak attack on the track: ambush marketing and the Summer Olympics
Excitement is building for the French Olympics and Paralympics this year, but brands face the challenge of understanding intricate IP and ambush marketing rules.
IP spring: European trials, tribulations and statistics
Spring is buzzing with legal drama and the latest figures for patented innovation on the continent.
What are patent trolls, and how do they affect innovation?
Learn about patent trolls and their impact on business, innovation and consumers.
Building brand identity with trademarks and industrial designs
Learn the difference between trademarks and industrial design — and why each has a crucial role in building brand identity.
Setting the record straight on patent infringement and damages
The time and money involved in litigation emphasizes the critical need to understand how this aspect of patent law works.
WTR 1000: 2024年商標業界賞をデンネマイヤーが受賞
デンネマイヤー・グループは、ワールド・トレードマーク・レビュー(World Trademark Review)誌が毎年発行する世界レベルの法律実務を評価するガイドブックにおいて、数々の賞を受賞いたしました。
Intellectual Property and business value: making IP a C-suite priority
What are the three pillars of IP innovation, and how can C-suite members maximize the value of assets that are, by definition, less than concrete?