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De Simone & Partners
Experience in Intellectual Property since 1972

IP capabilities
IP capabilities

In support of business in a broader sense extended to related specialties.


On the protection and promotion of the Made in Italy merchandise mark.


DSP regularly assists startups in protecting their IP assets with particular emphasis on biopharma startups

customer base
customer base

From multinationals and leading private and public Italian research centers to small companies and startups.


How we protect IP Portfolios

We support our clients with a thorough analysis of their Intellectual Property (IP) portfolio, providing expertise on filing strategies and the feasibility of business projects. Through these services, we become a point of contact between legal departments, on the one hand, and R&D and marketing, on the other.

Integrated into a modern technological infrastructure, our team of IP professionals offers the highest level of legal service to customers in various industries. Though most of our clients operate in pharmaceuticals, biotech, chemistry and the life sciences, we also cater to those in agriculture, oil, sports, mechanics, electronics, software, telecommunications and entertainment.

With a particular focus on the luxury trade, our law firm assists major Italian and international fashion and jewelry brands in protecting and enforcing their creative rights worldwide. De Simone & Partners has also acquired extensive expertise in the food and beverage sector by assisting major Italian clients with their IP, legal and regulatory issues.

trademark trademark_active
Innovative IP capabilities
patentprotection patentprotection_active
Specific expertise
designprotection designprotection_active
Innovation support
ip_defence ip_defence_active
Diverse customer base
Innovative IP capabilities
De Simone & Partners acts beyond the scope of IP affairs in support of businesses, covering advertising, regulatory affairs, business development, marketing and data protection.
Specific expertise
In the protection and promotion of the Made in Italy label, De Simone & Partners assists multinationals and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) active in the four “Fs”: fashion, food, factory automation and furniture & design.
White Arrow
White Arrow
White Arrow
Factory automation
White Arrow
Furniture & design
Innovation support
De Simone & Partners regularly collaborates with startups in the protection of their IP resources. These new enterprises are most often located in the biopharma sector, but also include universities, research institutions and pharmaceutical companies. It is the practice of De Simone & Partners to invest in the knowledge of its clients’ operations and support them in personalized planning for the protection and exploitation of their intangible assets.
Diverse customer base
De Simone & Partners’ client base encompasses the gamut of size and sector: from multinationals and leading Italian research centers to small companies, startups, inventors and content creators.

In fashion, De Simone & Partners helps prestigious fashion brands active in the production of apparel, accessories and jewelry – from major international houses whose products are designed and produced in Italy to local manufacturers.


In food, De Simone & Partners assists Italian wine and olive oil producers on IP and internationalization strategies to export their products worldwide. De Simone & Partners also advises several globally-recognized liquor makers.

Factory automation

In factory automation, De Simone & Partners supports Italian multinationals specializing in telecommunications, aerospace, defense and security.

Furniture & design

In the furniture & design industry, De Simone & Partners represents prestigious companies and local creators of bespoke design objects and furniture.

What we do

Examples of our services

Patent Department

Professional services in details

Patent departments

Numbers and facts

Trademark Department

Professional services in detail

Trademark Department

Numbers and facts

  • Approach


  • Advice and support for patent strategies and prior art searches
  • Drafting, filing and prosecuting patent applications worldwide
  • Maintenance fee schedules and payments
  • European Parliament-granted patent validations in Italy and other engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contracting procedures
  • Oppositions and appeals before the European Patent Office (EPO)
  • Patentability / validity and infringement opinions for pre-litigation stage and as ex parte expert
  • Freedom to operate opinions
  • Enforcement of patent rights, including legal actions before national courts
  • Nullity actions with national courts
  • Expert witness testimonies in patent litigations
  • Drafting, filing and prosecuting of national and European Community Certificates for Plant Varieties
  • Drafting, filing and prosecuting of Supplementary Protection Certificates (SPCs)
  • Patent strategy advice for startups and investors
  • Worldwide management of patent portfolios
  • Regular client reports: budgets, due dates, strategy and investor meetings


  • Approach
  • Results & Benefits



Approximately 90 % of prosecuted cases are in the chemistry, pharma, biotech and life science technical fields including:

  • Biomedicine
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Diagnostics
  • Life sciences
  • Biotechnology
  • Nanotechnology
  • Chemistry
  • Medicinal chemistry
  • Formulations
  • Cosmetics
  • Alloys
  • Polymers
  • Nutraceutics
  • Plant Varieties
  • Food and food supplements
  • Medical and Surgical Device

Other areas of prosecutorial action include:

  • Mechanics
  • Electronics
  • Telecommunications


Results & Benefits

  • First filings: Italian and European applicants
  • 90% of European Parliament representation is for Italian applicants


  • Approach


  • Advice and support for trademark strategies and anteriority searches
  • Filing, prosecuting and administering trademark applications and portfolios worldwide
  • Actions before the Italian and San Marino trademark offices (TMOs), European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) and World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
  • Instructions for foreign associates
  • Trademark oppositions and appeals before the Italian and European TMOs
  • Nullity actions before national courts
  • Enforcement of trademark rights, including legal actions before national courts
  • Counsel on distribution, franchising and licensing for contracts
  • Due diligence in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) operations
  • Coordination of anti-counterfeiting and customs processes: trademark customs recordals, parallel imports and seizures
  • Consideration of Italian criminal and civil courts’ proceedings and injunctions concerning trademark and design cases
  • Domain name registration and maintenance
  • Alternate dispute resolution (ADRs) services both as complainant/defendant representatives and as arbitrators


  • Approach


  • De Simone & Partners manages the trademark portfolios of clients in the following industries: fashion, mechanics, electronics, pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, software, oil, entertainment, telecommunications and others.
  • De Simone & Partners focuses on the luxury industry, assisting famous Italian and international fashion and jewelry brands to protect and enforce their IP rights worldwide.
  • By assisting major Italian and foreign clients with their IP, legal and regulatory issues, De Simone & Partners has acquired extensive expertise in the energy and food and beverage sectors.
  • Within the sports industry and those operations related to the Olympic Games, De Simone & Partners: 
    • Assists in managing ambush marketing during the Olympic games in support of sponsors’ rights
    • Offers specific expertise in drafting contracts for sports authorities
    • Advises on the protection of design and patentability of sports equipment
    • Provides training assistance in industrial and IP matters related to major sporting events


Meet your IP experts

A selection of our consultants

We apply our unique combination of IP, industry and business expertise to serve your legal interests in Italy and the wider world to the very highest standard. Our goal is to act as your trusted partner and advocate, and so all of our experts leverage their knowledge, experience and professionalism to deliver the quality of service you deserve.

Experience since 1972

In total, our IP consultants have accumulated over 200 years of professional practice, meaning you can expect the level of excellence that comes only with experience. From strategy to valuation and enforcement, we cover the entire IP life cycle.

Domenico De Simone

Founding Partner - Trademark, Design and Patent Attorney

Active in the IP field since 1972, he is the founding partner of De Simone & Partners Spa and De Simone Law Firm

Active in the IP field since 1972, he is the founding partner of De Simone & Partners Spa and De Simone Law Firm

Maria Augusta Fioruzzi De Simone


With clients ranging from multinationals to startups, Maria Augusta focuses on intellectual property strategy and business, advising clients on all issues related to the procurement, valuation and defence of patents of invention and design.

With clients ranging from multinationals to startups, Maria Augusta focuses on intellectual property strategy and business, advising clients on all issues related to the procurement, valuation and defence of patents of invention and design.

Massimo Cimoli

Head of Trademarks – Italy

Active in the IP field since 1989, with a focus on trademarks and copyright, Massimo assists a variety of clients worldwide in different industries, including major Italian and international oil and gas companies, sports and automotive corporations.

Active in the IP field since 1989, with a focus on trademarks and copyright, Massimo assists a variety of clients worldwide in different industries, including major Italian and international oil and gas companies, sports and automotive corporations.

Maria Paola Pace Napoleone

Head of Patents – Italy

Active in the IP field since 2011, Paola has focused primarily on filing and prosecuting procedures for patent applications in the fields of life sciences and chemistry in general.

Active in the IP field since 2011, Paola has focused primarily on filing and prosecuting procedures for patent applications in the fields of life sciences and chemistry in general.

Giovanni Orsoni

Trademark Attorney

Active in the IP field since 2005, Giovanni has worked in London, Venice and Milan with a focus on trademarks, copyrights, domain names, designs, trade secrets and an extensive experience in prosecution, litigation, drafting and negotiation of contracts.

Active in the IP field since 2005, Giovanni has worked in London, Venice and Milan with a focus on trademarks, copyrights, domain names, designs, trade secrets and an extensive experience in prosecution, litigation, drafting and negotiation of contracts.

Lucia Granieri

Trademark Attorney

Active in the IP field since 2010, with a focus on trademark, design and copyright law, art law, IP & sport, unfair competition, negotiation and drafting of contracts.

Active in the IP field since 2010, with a focus on trademark, design and copyright law, art law, IP & sport, unfair competition, negotiation and drafting of contracts.

Filippo Calda Beccadelli

IP Litigation

Active in the IP field since 2007, with a focus on patent, trademark, copyright and design contracts and litigation in Italy, as well as the development of EU and Chinese litigation strategies, Filippo advises clients on complex litigation cases.

Active in the IP field since 2007, with a focus on patent, trademark, copyright and design contracts and litigation in Italy, as well as the development of EU and Chinese litigation strategies, Filippo advises clients on complex litigation cases.

De Simone & Partners

In 2002, 30 years after beginning work as an IP consultant, Domenico de Simone established De Simone & Partners S.p.A. together with a group of experienced professionals to provide comprehensive assistance in all areas of IP.

Meet the Dennemeyer experts

Your career in IP

At De Simone, we value the professional development of our employees. Our innovative entrepreneurship and open company culture allow everyone to develop their skills to the fullest in a fast-growing, dynamic business.
For more information about your IP career, please review our employment opportunities and submit your resume.

Join De Simone

In 1978, Domenico De Simone, together with leading Italian lawyers, appealed to the Constitutional Court of Italy to have the patentability of medicines recognized.

The outcome was the patentability of pharmaceutical products and the creation of the modern competitive Italian pharmaceutical industry.

In 1980, Domenico de Simone filed an action to prevent the Director of the Italian Patent and Trademark Office ruling on appeals filed before the same office in the committees.

The Italian IP laws were amended accordingly.

In 2000, Domenico de Simone acted on behalf of Giacomelli Sport to challenge a refusal by the EUIPO on retail services, and obtained a significant favorable decision.

Before said decision, retailers registered their signs for all commodity classes at a cost burden and with the potential for interference from the circulation of products with identical or similar marks. Following the favorable ruling he obtained and Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM) Communication of the President no.3/01 of 12.3.2001, there was made a clear distinction between retail services and products sold. This position aimed to maintain a fair balance between, on the one hand, the monopoly requested and obtained by the applicant interested in retail services, and the operating rights of individual producers of goods and owners of trademarks in the commodity class, on the other.

De Simone & Partners S.p.A. was established in 2002 by Domenico de Simone.

An IP consultant since 1972, Domenico de Simone sought to provide all-inclusive guidance and support in Intellectual Property matters, particularly in the acquisition, exploitation and protection of trademarks, patents, design, copyrights and trade secrets.

In 2005, the Studio Legale De Simone law firm was established to assist clients directly in IP litigation.

Studio Legale De Simone has supported Italian and foreign companies operating in complex and continuously evolving sectors, representing them before the Italian courts and their IP-specialized sections.

In 2019, De Simone & Partners was acquired by the Dennemeyer Group.

The acquisition by the global IP service provider Dennemeyer will boost De Simone & Partners’ innovation and technology levels and significantly expand its international reach.

About Us

The history of the office

De Simone & Partners S.p.A. was established in 2002 by Domenico de Simone, an IP consultant since 1972, to provide comprehensive assistance in all areas of industrial and Intellectual Property

Contact us

What can we do for you?

Send us your questions or a short description of your IP needs. We will revert to you as soon as possible.



+39 06 853361

Via Giulio Caccini 1,
00198 Rome