Dr. Richard Brunner
Global Head of Legal
Rechtsanwalt (German lawyer)

- Doktor der Rechtswissenschaften (Dr. jur.) Doctorate in Law, Germany
- Rechtsanwalt (German Lawyer)
- Executive MBA
- “IP Dienstleistungen - Wertvolle Fracht in stürmischen Gewässern”, Unternehmensjurist 01/2017
- "Luxembourg - Tax Heaven For IP Owners", World Intellectual Property Review e-Digest 01/2012, S. 172-174
- "Selecting IP Legal Services Providers: Ask the right questions, get the right results", Country-Index 05/2011
- "IP Outsourcing - an efficient way of focusing on core competencies", Country-Index 05/2009
- "Outsourcing the IP department", Informa WORLD extra INTA Supplement 05/2009
- "Recht und Unrecht des Sampling - BGH Urteil „Metall auf Metall“ ", Sound & Recording 02/2009
- "Samples, Plagiate, Soundalikes - alles nur geklaut? ", SchoolJam 01/2009
- "Live is Life - Der Engagement-Vertrag", FUNtasten 02/2005