Licensing out technologies from an SME’s perspective
IP management goes far beyond the pure protection of IPRs, and many small and medium-sized enterprises are searching for a proactive way to utilize their rights.

Dennemeyer & Associates United States welcomes three new attorneys
The recent hiring of several new attorneys reflects the continued growth of Dennemeyer & Associates US.

10 most significant changes in Intellectual Property over the last 25 years
The last 25 years have seen massive developments in the practice and treatment of IPRs. We are taking a look at those changes that have significantly influenced the practice of IP.

Comment DIAMS iQ aide Interparfums à gérer son portefeuille de propriété intellectuelle ?
Interparfums, société française qui gère actuellement un portefeuille de plus de 4500 marques et modèles actifs, témoigne de l'utilisation quotidienne du logiciel de gestion de propriété intellectuelle de Dennemeyer, DIAMS iQ.

China revises its trademark law to combat bad faith trademark filings
On April 23, 2019, the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) enacted revisions to the country's trademark law.

Artificial intelligence: is it changing patent prosecution?
When we hear the term artificial intelligence used about patent prosecution, we immediately think of prior art searching. However, AI is being employed in several other ways.

How to choose a patent annuity service
Read about the three broad options to maintain and manage patent rights, dependent on resources, portfolio size, and the extent of foreign filings.

Key features of the Benelux trademark law reform – the second part
As of March 1, 2019, the further amended Benelux Convention on Intellectual Property (BCIP) entered into force, implementing the European Trademark Directive 2015/2436 and aligning the Benelux trademark law with the EU trademark law.

Dennemeyer Consulting appoints new Managing Director
Dr. Dominique Christ joins Dennemeyer Consulting as the new Managing Director. He brings a wealth of expertise in corporate law, chemistry, engineering, strategy and counseling, technology management, risk- and project management.

European Parliament adopts EU Copyright Directive creating new rules for the digital era
EU needs modern copyright rules fit for the digital age but, when it comes to their implementation, hardly any topic has sparked as much controversy as the planned Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market.

How to protect your Intellectual Property rights in Pakistan
Due to its strategic location bordering China, India and Afghanistan, Pakistan has a unique commercial position altogether, so that a high volume of trade in goods, both internationally and locally, is expected to be in transit.