How intelligent is your Intellectual Property intelligence?
Analyzing competitor activities and being well-informed of innovative new technologies is essential to a good Intellectual Property (IP) strategy.

COVID-19 and Intellectual Property's role in facilitating vaccine access
The year 2020 commenced in much the same way as most years do, but it quickly became apparent that the world needed to brace for the unexpected.

Strategies patent defendants use to avoid injunctions
Injunctions against patent infringement are available in many national court systems, but there are some procedural differences when courts may make injunctions available as a remedy.

Trademark everything: The not-so-secret world of celebrity IP
Celebrities know the power of branding and the benefits it brings, but they also tend to be a bit quirky.

Brexit and Supplementary Protection Certificates
SPCs are essential in the pharmaceutical and plant variety industries because they provide a means to extend patent protection for up to five years.

Be vigilant and diligent in protecting your brand from counterfeiters
Establishing strong Intellectual Property protection is an essential part of any effort to shield your goods from counterfeiters.

Coping with cost pressure in Intellectual Property
Maintaining a balanced budget while keeping up a high IP protection level can be quite challenging, especially during times of crisis.

Brexit: what will finally happen on January 1, 2021?
Some aspects of the future relationship between the EU and the UK remain uncertain, but luckily most of the issues concerning registered IP rights are clear.

The ultimate crash course on protecting Intellectual Property
We have got you covered with a course on protecting your IP through appropriate legal means.

Book review: 'The Reasonable Robot — Artificial Intelligence and the Law'
Ryan Abbott has written an excellent book that is both an introduction to AI and a sound basis for progressive considerations about how legal regulation can incentivize AI development.

What is Intellectual Property 'theft' and how to avoid it?
IP infringement can, in some instances, be accompanied by the theft of actual physical property or in conjunction with other civil wrongdoings and crimes.

Understanding the latest adjustments to Romania's trademark law
Those seeking to maintain their trademark rights in Romania must understand the latest amendments to its Intellectual Property laws and act accordingly before September 30.