Everyday IP: Who owns the internet?
Determining exactly 'who owns the internet' is no simple matter, as the IP ownership of the systems and infrastructure that comprise it is widely varied.

How are damages calculated in patent infringement cases?
If the worst should happen, an inventor must understand how patent infringement damages are calculated in major legal jurisdictions.

Guerlain vs. EUIPO and the question of distinctiveness
The General Court's recent annulment of an EUIPO decision against Guerlain may have implications that reach far beyond the cosmetics market.

Everyday IP: Brewing the finest booze – beer through the ages
As one of the world's oldest beverages, it is no surprise that beer and its history offer intriguing lessons about innovation and Intellectual Property.

Green innovations call for strong IP protection
Green tech development is key to the planet's future, and IP service providers are instrumental in facilitating this evolution.

Everyday IP: When were computers invented?
Answering the question: 'When were computers invented?' involves far more than just citing a date — it is bound up in the past, present and future of IP.

What it means to be in Intellectual Property
Working in the Intellectual Property industry takes many forms, requiring professionals with diverse backgrounds and skillsets.

Making the most of your patent drawings
Drawings are an essential element of any patent application for a device or design that requires a visual depiction of the functions and concepts involved.

Understanding Pakistan's date of use trademark law
Planning to file a trademark registration in Pakistan? Let us first unpack the legal requirements and implications of the date of first use.

COVID-19 and the digitalization of Intellectual Property
Megatrends can become a bit boring over time. Until they are not, of course.

Future-proofing investments: The role of IP in a successful deal
Investors and investment targets must understand the relevance and usefulness of IP along every step of the path, wherever it may lead.

Everyday IP: The notable IP of golf, basketball and other sports
There are more than a few fascinating stories regarding IP in sports, ranging from the origin of basketball to the thousands of patents in golf.