Trademarking a slogan - the why and how
The right slogan can be of great value to your brand identity, and so learning how to trademark one is a vital Intellectual Property (IP) lesson.

Playing trademark hardball: Supreme Court of Appeal decision in POLO dispute
A decades-long saga about the POLO brand and what it means to consumers in South Africa saw its most recent play.

WTR 1000: Dennemeyer lauded again for excellence in trademark management
The Dennemeyer Group is honored to be cited once again in the latest release of the World Trademark Review (WTR) 1000.

Different IP protections, and why you might need them
It is critical to know the ins and outs regarding all forms of formal IP protection, ranging from provisional patents to design rights.

Associate Spotlight with Frédéric Blanc
An interview with Frédéric Blanc, Managing Director of Dennemeyer & Associates France.

Everyday IP: The iconic elegance of Italian cars
Italian cars — both past and present — are among the most remarkable examples in automotive history and an integral part of modern Italy's culture.

IP trends to watch in 2022
Take a look at some of the Intellectual Property trends and developments likely to make waves in the industry during 2022 — and possibly beyond.

Exploring the benefits of geographical indications
Geographical indications can offer many benefits, but it is important to know exactly how they work in the jurisdictions most relevant to your business.

How fake vaccines are detrimental to public health
Any counterfeit or otherwise fake vaccine is both a severe danger to public health and a blatant violation of IP law.

Not For Trademarks? The truth about NFTs and IP
Examining the legal and commercial interaction between NFTs and Intellectual Property.

Everyday IP: How the Winter Olympics protects its branding
Keeping the branding of the Beijing Winter Olympics protected requires collaboration between China's IP authorities and the International Olympic Committee.

Your go-to guide to patent renewals
Receiving a patent grant is more than half the battle, but maintaining the exclusive rights to your invention for as long as possible is not as straightforward as might be imagined.