OLG München: Etappensieg für „Werbeblocker“
Etappensieg für die Software Adblock Plus der eyeo GmbH: Das OLG München hat das Geschäftsmodell des Ad-Blocking nicht als unzulässige Beeinflussung eingestuft.

Ask the iQ expert
Updating intellectual property records is tedious work. Luckily, if you're using DIAMS iQ, there is a more elegant solution - the DIAMS iQ's batch update tool.

The pendency of Brazilian patent application and what you can do about it
Brazil is notorious for the long pendency of patent application. The average amount of time for patents to be issued with two office actions is over 12-14 years

Studie "The future of IP": Video zeigt grafische Visualisierung in Echtzeit
Im Mai 2017 stellte Dennemeyer gemeinsam mit dem 2b AHEAD-ThinkTank die Studie „The future of Intellectual Property“ in den Münchner Highlight Towers vor.

Comparison between opposition systems in Europe and Japan
Opposition procedures before the EPO and the JPO have enough differences to put even experienced professionals in difficulty. Read more (in English & Japanese).

Dr. Malte Köllner selected among Germany's Best Lawyers
Dr. Malte Köllner from Dennemeyer & Associates has again been selected among Germany’s best lawyers 2017.

Dennemeyer & Associates takes a safari into Africa
The new branch office assists our existing clients with protecting their IP rights in Africa.

Validation agreements: a game changer for European patent applicants?
“Thinking outside the confines of the continental map”, discover how validation agreements might re-shape the world of European patent applications.

Explaining the (in-)explainable addition of the words “Another Characteristic” in the new EU trademark law
Discover how Article 4 (1) (e) of Directive (EU) 2015/2436 amended the absolute grounds for the refusal of a sign.

Dennemeyer presents new brand at INTA 2017 in Barcelona
The world’s leading full-service provider for the IP industry, The Dennemeyer Group, presents a brand new look at INTA 2017, May 20-24.

The End of Plagiarism: Study "The Future of Intellectual Property"
By 2030 the exploitation of IPR will no longer be what it is today. Technology might be the solution, but the interaction with the client is also increasing.

Nice classification news from Canada
Anticipating new amendments to the Canadian Trademarks Act, CIPO is inviting trademark owners to categorize goods and services according to Nice classification.