WIPR covers Dennemeyer’s global IP filings service
With offices on all continents, global patent filing and prosecution services and European p…

New features in the European patent validation web application
In an effort to keep clients up to speed with the latest developments and better meet their needs and expectations, Dennemeyer & Associates has released new features in its European patent validation web application.
Dennemeyer & Associates S.A. – one of the 50 most trustworthy companies of the year 2018
In 1962, John J. Dennemeyer founded a legal practice devoted exclusively to patent prosecuti…

Inside “The IP Group”: new Dennemeyer corporate image video on reuters.com
Our new corporate image video features some of our colleagues as they explain what they do every day to make the lives of our clients easier by keeping their IP rights safe and helping them to become more profitable.

America first, Singapore second and Germany third
Productivity is considered the most important determinant of long-term economic growth and income. The Global Competitiveness Index 4.0 featured in the World Economic Forum’s Global Competitiveness Report 2018 emphasizes a newly emerging set of factors cr

The future of Intellectual Property – towards omni-IP management systems
The trend study “The Future of Intellectual Property” by the Dennemeyer Group and the trend research institute 2b AHEAD identifies trend cycles using the roadmaps, plans and expectations of trendsetting stakeholders. <!-- Do not remove bellow script -->
Guillaume Ouvrieu rejoint Dennemeyer France en tant que directeur général
Dennemeyer & CIE SARL a engagé Guillaume Ouvrieu en tant que nouveau Directeur Général pour renforcer sa présence locale sur le marché français de la propriété intellectuelle.

UDRP or URS: the choice is yours
The UDRP and URS mechanisms for tackling cybersquatting each have their own pros and cons, so picking between the two may depend on the specific nature of the case.

DIN 77006: Neuer Qualitätsstandard für das Management von Intellectual Property in Unternehmen
Künftig gibt es auch für das Management gewerblicher Schutzrechte (Intellectual Property / IP) eine DIN-Norm. Sind Sie bereit?

Filing patent applications: how to optimize your operational workflows and overcome budgetary constraints
In recent times, national and regional patent offices have focused their efforts on the development of work-sharing tools to reduce unnecessary duplication of work and improve the efficiency of the global patent system. However, much remains to be done.

Disruption in the IP services?
A question from the players or stakeholders in the IP industry, the IP life cycle or ecosystem and the products and/or services being supplied in the IP sector.

Dr. Dallas Wilkinson is Dennemeyer's new Managing Director for Asia Pacific
The Dennemeyer Group consolidates its global management team with Dr. Dallas Wilkinson who will lead the offices in Australia, Japan, China and Singapore thus driving Dennemeyer's further regional expansion planned for the next years across the Asia Pacif