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United Arab Emirates: KIPO is a new competent International Searching and Preliminary Examining Authority

The International Center for Patent Registration, Ministry of Economy (United Arab Emirates), has designated the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) as a competent International Searching and Preliminary Examining Authority.


What will happen to European Union trademarks after Brexit?

After Brexit, set for March 29, 2019, 23h00 CET, the UK becomes a “third country.” All European trademarks registered as of the withdrawal date will not be protected in the UK regardless of whether they were filed before or after that date.


Supermac v Big Mac : trademark use showdown

The Irish fast food-chain Supermac’s, named after its director Pat McDonagh’s high school nickname, has engaged in a trademark battle against McDonald’s Big Mac. <!-- Do not remove bellow script --> <script type="text/javascript"> function addAuthorNewBl


Markenrechtsmodernisierungs-Gesetz in Kraft getreten

Am 14. Januar ist in Deutschland das sogenannte Markenrechtsmodernisierungs-Gesetz (MaMoG) in Kraft getreten. Ohne viel Aufhebens verabschiedet sich die deutsche Praxis damit von einigen Besonderheiten des deutschen Markenrechts und sorgt für eine weiterg