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The International Center for Patent Registration, Ministry of Economy (United Arab Emirates), has designated the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO) as a competent International Searching and Preliminary Examining Authority.
After Brexit, set for March 29, 2019, 23h00 CET, the UK becomes a “third country.” All European trademarks registered as of the withdrawal date will not be protected in the UK regardless of whether they were filed before or after that date.
The Irish fast food-chain Supermac’s, named after its director Pat McDonagh’s high school nickname, has engaged in a trademark battle against McDonald’s Big Mac. <!-- Do not remove bellow script --> <script type="text/javascript"> function addAuthorNewBl
Am 14. Januar ist in Deutschland das sogenannte Markenrechtsmodernisierungs-Gesetz (MaMoG) in Kraft getreten. Ohne viel Aufhebens verabschiedet sich die deutsche Praxis damit von einigen Besonderheiten des deutschen Markenrechts und sorgt für eine weiterg