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The real IP issues with virtual influencers

The rise of virtual influencers could lead to real dilemmas involving IP law and a lot more.


The ABCs of Intellectual Property

In an unpredictably evolving society and economy, the assurance of protection for your inventive labor is a precious commodity.


Enjoy your meal! Pakistan adds geographical indications to their IPR menu

The GI law is a much needed legal and commercial tool to protect the cultural heritage of goods produced and manufactured in the country.


The Kimono controversy: a matter of cultural awareness and risk management

Holistic risk management also has to include awareness of the fine line that divides entrepreneurial freedom from cultural expression.


Customs measures in the United Arab Emirates

Currently, many trademark owners experience sales decreases, and it is getting more important than ever not to fall prey to counterfeiters.


New Italian legislation on ambush marketing for major sporting and exhibition events

The purpose of the new legislation is to strengthen the regulatory framework regarding parasitic advertising, introduce sanctions for violators and protect well-known signs in the sports field.


Top 10 features of DIAMS iQ, Dennemeyer's IP software solution

Welcome to the world of DIAMS iQ! Find out which are its top 10 features and how you can use the software to manage your IP portfolio efficiently.


Freedom of expression counts in trademark law

How should the morality absolute grounds for refusal be interpreted, and does freedom of expression play a role in EU trademark law?


Step up your invention disclosure process!

Although DIAMS iQ is the pinnacle of Dennemeyer’s IP software, there are many other solutions designed to be provided as complementary services.


USPTO extends patent and trademark deadlines during the COVID-19 emergency

The USPTO is trying to be especially mindful of the outsized impact of the coronavirus crisis on small businesses and independent inventors. 


The pursuit of balance between antitrust laws and Intellectual Property

Delve into the foundations of conflict between antitrust protections and IP law - and how they could better support each other going forward.


IP management systems: Choosing the best software solution for your business

Find out how to select the best IP management software solution for your business and download our comprehensive white paper.