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IP infringement can, in some instances, be accompanied by the theft of actual physical property or in conjunction with other civil wrongdoings and crimes.
Discover how a correctly designed valuation analysis can provide calculated answers to any question associated with the Intellectual Property value.
The IP protection for software developers is not as strong as it should be in the U.S., but this does not seem to be stopping the development.
Intellectual Property protection can offer SMEs considerable advantages in the marketplace against competitors.
Dr. Christopher Brückner offers his thoughts and tips for companies from the chemical and pharmaceutical industry when dealing with SPCs.
We have you covered with everything you must understand to delve into the patent prosecution process.
The rise of virtual influencers could lead to real dilemmas involving IP law and a lot more.
While court rulings may have slowed down, the first half of this calendar year has seen some big patent decisions play out in many national high courts.
Traditional searches can adapt by incorporating semantic tools to cover all the bases and ultimately reduce the chances of missing out on substantial prior-art.
As the world races to develop an effective vaccine to prevent the transmission of COVID-19, many discussions have surrounded the impact that patents will have on access to such treatment.
After 50 years, we still cannot help but ask ourselves if having an international application will be enough to lead to a patent in most jurisdictions.
In an unpredictably evolving society and economy, the assurance of protection for your inventive labor is a precious commodity.