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IP management


Guerlain vs. EUIPO and the question of distinctiveness

The General Court's recent annulment of an EUIPO decision against Guerlain may have implications that reach far beyond the cosmetics market.


Green innovations call for strong IP protection

Green tech development is key to the planet's future, and IP service providers are instrumental in facilitating this evolution.


Everyday IP: When were computers invented?

Answering the question: 'When were computers invented?' involves far more than just citing a date — it is bound up in the past, present and future of IP.


What it means to be in Intellectual Property

Working in the Intellectual Property industry takes many forms, requiring professionals with diverse backgrounds and skillsets.


COVID-19 and the digitalization of Intellectual Property

Megatrends can become a bit boring over time. Until they are not, of course.


The impact of digitalization, automation and AI on Intellectual Property

The rising tide of new technologies will require those in the IP field to become more attuned to these advancements and develop new skills.


New developments: Bracing for Brexit's effects on international IP

A brief guide on all notable changes that IP rights holders have to face after the transition period ends on January 1, 2021.


Keep the wheel turning: invent – finance – innovate

The 2020 edition of the Global Innovation Index (GII) provides an international ranking of the top global economies regarding their innovation performance.


Mid-year review of 2020’s major patent cases from across the globe

While court rulings may have slowed down, the first half of this calendar year has seen some big patent decisions play out in many national high courts.


The ABCs of Intellectual Property

In an unpredictably evolving society and economy, the assurance of protection for your inventive labor is a precious commodity.


How AI tools will change patent practice

Discover the role that AI technologies can play in patents and how they can support and enhance the work of patent professionals.


Top 10 features of DIAMS iQ, Dennemeyer's IP software solution

Welcome to the world of DIAMS iQ! Find out which are its top 10 features and how you can use the software to manage your IP portfolio efficiently.