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IP management


Five key takeaways from IP Trend Monitor 2022

Learn about the issues that Intellectual Property industry professionals are most focused on in the latest edition of Dennemeyer's annual IP Trend Monitor report.


Different IP protections, and why you might need them

It is critical to know the ins and outs regarding all forms of formal IP protection, ranging from provisional patents to design rights.


Associate Spotlight with Frédéric Blanc

An interview with Frédéric Blanc, Managing Director of Dennemeyer & Associates France.


IP trends to watch in 2022

Take a look at some of the Intellectual Property trends and developments likely to make waves in the industry during 2022 — and possibly beyond.


How fake vaccines are detrimental to public health

Any counterfeit or otherwise fake vaccine is both a severe danger to public health and a blatant violation of IP law.


Intellectual Property considerations when expanding to the United Arab Emirates

When entering a new market, it is vital to carefully analyze all aspects of Intellectual Property (IP) that may be involved.


Key metrics for analyzing Intellectual Property performance

When measuring Intellectual Property (IP) performance, the metrics of interest are as diverse as the tasks completed over the course of the intangible asset life cycle.


An intelligent matter: positioning AI in IP

To understand how AI can be valuable to IP asset management, it will first be necessary to explore AI's background and broader role in modern society.


GII 2021 highlights the incredible resilience of innovation investments

On September 20 this year, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) published the Global Innovation Index (GII) 2021, one of the most influential reports on the relative strengths of different countries' innovation ecosystems.


Becoming the IP manager of the future

IP managers may need to broaden their skillsets to keep pace with the ways in which the Intellectual Property world is changing.


Shaping the future of Italy’s Intellectual Property system

From the strategic intervention plan, it is clear that IP is expected to play a key role in facilitating Italy’s recovery in the face of the COVID-19 crisis.


How are damages calculated in patent infringement cases?

If the worst should happen, an inventor must understand how patent infringement damages are calculated in major legal jurisdictions.