On-demand webinar - Brexit: what will finally happen on January 1, 2021?
How can you be prepared to handle your comparable UK rights? What will actually change in your everyday IP management as of 1 January 2021? Get a refresher on changes happening in Europe and what it means for your trademark and design protection in the United Kingdom. Take note of practical advice on how to manage these changes in your portfolio and discuss the consequences of a no-deal Brexit.
Focus topics covered in this webinar are:
- How to be prepared to handle your comparable UK rights?
- What will actually change in your everyday IP management as of January 1, 2021?
- Get a refresher on changes happening in Europe and what it means for your Trademark and Design protection in the United Kingdom.
- Take note of practical advice on how to manage these changes in your portfolio and discuss the consequences of a no-deal Brexit?
- Q&A
Please note that this webinar took place on October 21, 2020 and reflects the current status of that day. Due to rapidly changing circumstances, part of the webinar may already be out of date. You should therefore handle this information carefully and double-check with latest updates.
Deborah Brincat
After 29 years in the Paris trademark department at P&G, where Deborah handled global renewals, global corporate restructuring and global A&D support, as well as being project manager for administrative outsourcing and SPOC for database management, Deborah is now working for Dennemeyer Group in Paris as a key account manager.